Our local expert teams would be happy to advise you on your refrigerant gas needs
Refrigerant Gases for HVAC Systems
Sourcing and Managing Refrigerant Gases Responsibly

Driving the Transition Towards Lower ODP and GWP Options
Faced with growing environmental and regulatory pressures, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) contractors need a refrigerant gas supplier that can support new building and refurb projects, respond quickly in the event of an outage, support the transition to gases offering lower ozone depletion potential (ODP) and lower global warming potential (GWP), and offer environmentally friendly recovery and destruction methods.
We sell a wide range of refrigerant gases for air conditioning and refrigeration applications. With numerous refrigerant packaging facilities throughout the world bundling bulk storage, bulk breaking and blending capabilities, coupled with an established network of raw material suppliers, we have the reach and speed to supply the refrigerants you need, when you need them.
For your flexibility, we offer the full range of package sizes including cylinders, drums and bulk deliveries along with various environmental lifecycle solutions to ensure responsible use and recovery/destruction of all refrigerants.

Our extensive service offering extends from technical consulting and support to engineering installation management. Our engineers can help you select the refrigerant best suited to your performance and environmental goals. You can also request training and advice on health, safety and environmental compliance.